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Re: Parts editing made easy (well, easier)
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 14:47:04 GMT
2419 times
In, Darrell Urbien wrote:
Go Stefan Go!

Thanks for the encouragement!

Multiple meshes in a single 3DS or ASE file is now supported.

I came across a nasty bug in the 3DS export from 3dsmax that
took me a whole day to straighten out. It turs out that if
any of the mesh objects exported to a 3DS file from 3dsmax
has its pivot point exactly at (0,0,0), that mesh is badly
broken in the export file. Seemingly random gaps are created
in the surface, and the model becomes useless. The ASE format
does not have this problem, and 3DS files from other sources
than a 3dsmax export are probably also OK, so I gave up on
trying to fix this problem. The bug only appears if you place
an object exactly at the origin - moving it 0.01 units in
any direction makes the problem go away.

If you are using 3dsmax, ASE is the export format to use.
If you are using anything else, the 3DS format is probably
also OK, and it's mostly OK even when using 3dsmax.

I now need to think about how to implement subpart editing
and perhaps also handling of primitives. Named objects,
linked hierarchies and pivot points ought to provide the
tools for this, but I'm not sure how people would prefer to
do the modeling. Any thoughts on this are most welcome.


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  Re: Parts editing made easy (well, easier)
Go Stefan Go! (20 years ago, 24-Feb-05, to

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