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Re: LSynth synthesis and needed sub-parts
Fri, 18 Feb 2005 20:17:50 GMT
2105 times
In, Steve Bliss wrote:
In, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
  Where possible I've eliminated the unoffical parts that could easily be
replaced with primitives, but this still leaves us with some parts that are
not official LEGO parts, but I'd like to be available in official LDraw parts
library releases.

That sounds reasonable.  We've done this before, with light.dat.  Do the files
have comments identifying what they are used for?  If they're going into the
official library, it'd nice to try and make them useable by any program doing
the same thing.

Most of them have a comment indicating that they are for lsynth.  Willy says a
few of the parts to do not.  I'll update them.

The unofficial parts include:

LS00.DAT - a part that is used to specify the shape of hoses and rubber bands.
LS10.DAT - electric cable cross section

Hmm.  5306 is the number for the electric 2x2 brick.  Could LS10.dat be renamed
to 5306s01.dat?  Could you create a 5306c01.dat with a complete wire (probably
short) and both ends?

LS10.dat is not an electrical connector.  Instead it is a small cross section of
the electrical cable that is used to synthesize the whole electrical cable
leading from 5306 to 5306.  The issue with 5306 is that it has a rectangular
cable stub coming off of it, and my wire cross section is made of two abbutting
cylinders (this looks more like the real thing).

I'd like to have the rectangular cable stubs removed from 5603, 880 and 886 (I
think these are the light and rotation sensors).  To my knowlege the rectangular
electrical cable stubs are not compatable with anything, so I don't think there
is harm in removing them.

I'd love to have complete electrical cable, rotation sensor and light sensors as
part of the official library, then LPub can use them in its part list images.

Do you have recommended official name for LS10.dat?  I always assumed the
current names are temporary.

LS20.DAT - end cap of pneumatic hose.
LS21.DAT - mis segments of pneumatic hose

These should be worked up into a complete pneumatic hose part, along the lines
of 75.dat (flex-system hose) and 78.dat (ribbed hose).

That is fine....  I'd like to have an offical complete pneumatic hose for part
list images here too.

Suggestions for names?

LS32.DAT - fiber optic cable end cap.

Again, this should be worked up into a complete fibre optic cable part--or


The above parts are made of primitives, but combine multiple of them into one
part for ease of specification.


None of the above parts are whole parts, they are sub-parts of the whole, so
I think they should go in the S directory.  Then there is the topic of naming

It sounds like these files should go in /parts.  This is in line with helper
files like light.dat, and multi-segment, flexible parts like 75.dat.


May I have guidance on how to move these through to the process for official

I'd say generate some complete-part files, possibly with extra 'segment parts',
get some part numbers, give them reasonable title-names, and submit them.

OK.  I'll work on that.

Anyone out there willing to work on the process of getting these parts into
the official library?

If you send an email, signifying your agreement with the
Contributor's Agreement, we can give your userid rights to the Parts
Tracker. (Assuming you haven't done this already -- I don't keep a mental list
of authors any more).

I'd like to get back to finishing up the next release of LPub as quickly as

I think we all want that. :)




Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LSynth synthesis and needed sub-parts
(...) hi kevin, IMHO the main problem is that there is some confusion about the LS00.dat constrain an the rest like the flex-axle-end. my understanding now is that the ONLY constrain for all tubes is LS00.dat while the rest is used in the synthesis (...) (20 years ago, 20-Feb-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LSynth synthesis and needed sub-parts
(...) That sounds reasonable. We've done this before, with light.dat. Do the files have comments identifying what they are used for? If they're going into the official library, it'd nice to try and make them useable by any program doing the same (...) (20 years ago, 18-Feb-05, to

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