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Re: 1-8sphe.dat tesselations compaire image
Wed, 4 Oct 2000 19:17:01 GMT
818 times
"Manfred Moolhuysen" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.cad, Travis Cobbs writes:

Quite frankly, I have no idea what a 48 version would look like that
followed James' approach.  Would there be a single row of quads with the
rest being made up of triangles, or a bunch of rows of quads with a small
number of triangles.  I actually tried both variations originally in my
primitive substitution code and eventually gave up on each.

However, if people are interested in the 48 sphere primitive I posted, • made
up completely of triangles, I'll look into generating the type 5 lines.

Travis, do you save any results of the variation trials ? I think we • should do
the same thing here, make a compaire image of the different possible
variations and decide wich one looks the best (before you start generating
those type 5 lines).

No: they never reached the point of actually generating a sphere for
anything past the standard tesselation.  All the higher tesselations
produced essentially garbage in some form or another.  The reason I gave up
was that I was unable to come up with a general algorithm that worked at
all.  I did have the further difficulty that the algorithms I was working on
were designed to work with n points, where n was divisible by 4, as opposed
to some fixed number of points (like 16 and 48).

--Travis Cobbs (

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 1-8sphe.dat tesselations compaire image
(...) Travis, do you save any results of the variation trials ? I think we should do the same thing here, make a compaire image of the different possible variations and decide wich one looks the best (before you start generating those type 5 lines). (...) (24 years ago, 4-Oct-00, to lugnet.cad)

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