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Some comments on the LPub beta
Sun, 27 Mar 2005 10:52:57 GMT
2149 times
here are some comments on the LPub beta.  Some
may also be valid for the version but I observed
all of them in the beta version ....

1.  The install program does not recognize where an
    earlier version was installed to.  It would be nice
    if it could that find out and offer that directory
    as the destination folder.

2.  I tested installing beta over an existing version and compared that to a plain
    installaiton of beta.  It turns out the
    install over the existing version results in some
    more files (presumably from the old version) being


    It would be nice if LPub upgraded an existing
    version cleanly.  If that is too difficult, the next
    best solution is to check whether the target
    directory is empty and give a warning or even refuse
    installation if not.

3.  When selecting Custom installation mode, the list of
    features to be installed is empty.

4.  Some comments on Lpub.html:

    a) FILE MENU, On "Save Local Config saves the
       settings in the current directory in a file
       called config.lpb." :  It is not clear what
       "current directory" means.  I suggest to say
       something like "the directory of the LDRAW file"
       since that is what it seems to do.  (And yes,
       LPub may change its current directory to that
       inside of the program, but that is not visible to
       the user...)

    b) UTILITES MENU:  The new "Max Camera Distance"
       function should be explained.

    c) I think a statement would be helpful explaining
       that in the case of .MPD files, the "complete
       model" is the first model in the .MPD file, and
       the "sub-models" are those models in the .MPD
       file that are used by the first model either
       directly or indirectly through other sub-models.
       After all, the .MPD file could contain sub-models
       that are not used by the first model, and they
       would be ignored by LPub (hopefully ?)

5.  Calculating the max camera distance (Utilities menu)

    a) The camera viewing angle should have an effect on
       the required minimum distance, but the menu entry
       comes up with always the same distance regardless
       of the angle.  The viewing angle does have an
       effect on the size of the generated images,

6.  In the config file, the new setting for the page
    number font is not stored yet (At least I believe
    ...  the symptom is that this setting stays on its
    default when loading a config after restarting LPub,
    after having saved a config with the font changed).

7.  I find the following line in the config file:

    pov_image_size 1600 1200pov_quality 9

    I assume a newline is missing there ?

8.  Configuration panel structure

    I see some inconsistencies in the current dialog
    design and in some cases I had to apply trial&error
    to find out what a particular setting controls.
    Some examples are:

    - The "Sub-assembly" checkmark seems to control
      whether or not the sub-models are generated for
      both CSIs and PLIs, but it does not say so
    - How do the L3P settings for Position/Orientation
      and Lens correspond to the "Scale" settings in the
      "General" sub-tab ?
    - Do the L3P settings for Background control CSI,
      PLI/BOM part images or none of them ?

    I think it would be helpful for clarity to
    restructure the configuration dialog somewhat and
    would like to offer the suggestion below.  It is
    well possible that I did not understand all the
    combinations of the current options, so let me know
    if you think something is missing.  The guiding
    principle for the suggestion was to be clear about
    which production is being influenced by a setting.

    Also, I think it would be helpful to move from the
    various "Generate" menu entries to just one
    "Generate" menu action, and the configuration panels
    control what is generated.  The suggestion allows to
    do that.

    1-Tab "Images"

      2-Tab "Complete Model"

        checkmark to generate Complete Model
          - rest of dialog greyed out if disabled
        "Scale" group as in current "Global" tab
        "Camera Globe Coordinates" group (for CSI) as in
          current "PLI/BOM" tab
          - maybe some more controls needed, like "XYZ"
            or "Look At" from current L3P "Position and
            Orientation" group, but I personally would
            be happy with just globe coordinates.
        "Background" group as currently in L3P
          "Surroundings" tab
          - plus checkmark for transparent background
        "Floor" group as currently in L3Pub
          "Surroundings" tab

      2-Tab "CSI"

        checkmark to generate CSIs
            - rest of dialog greyed out if disabled
        checkmark "to generate CSIs of sub-models
        "Scale" group as in current "Global" tab
        "Camera Globe Coordinates" group (for CSI) as in
          current "PLI/BOM" tab
          - maybe some more controls needed, like "XYZ"
            or "Look At" from current L3P "Position and
            Orientation" group, but I personally would
            be happy with just globe coordinates.
        "Previous Step Color Scaling" group as in
          current "Global" tab
        "Backgrounds & Fonts" group with contents of
          current "SubModels" tab
          - plus checkmark for transparent background
          - the dialog may become a bit long with this
            one, so (less ideally), this one could be
            moved to a second CSIs tab.  Or maybe
            introduce sub-tabs under CSI, to show that
            it belongs together.

      2-Tab "PLI/BOM"

        checkmark to generate PLIs
        checkmark to generate BOMs
          - rest of dialog greyed out if both are
        checkmark "to generate PLIs of sub-models
        checkmark "to generate BOMs of sub-models
        "Scale" group as in current "Global" tab
        "Camera Globe Coordinates" group (for CSI) as in
          current "PLI/BOM" tab
        "Background & Fonts" group with contents of
          current "Surroundings" group in "PLI/BOM" tab
            - plus checkmark for transparent background
        "PLI Content" group as in current "PLI/BOM" tab

      2-Tab "Renderer"

        As currently, but several of the current L3P
        settings could be removed ("Position and
        Orientation", "Lens", "Background" and "Floor"
        groups), since they are now controlled by the
        respective settings in the image specific
        sub-tabs.  The "Dimensions" group in the
        POVOutput sub-tab could also be removed for the
        same reason.

        I do realize that the nesting level of tabs
        would be quite large that way (four in the L3P
        case).  So maybe "Renderer" moves up one level
        again (to where it is currently), but that would
        be less ideal.

    1-Tab "Web Pages"

      checkmark to generate Layout Images
        - I tend to believe they would only be generated
          for web pages but I may be wrong (in which
          case they belong under the new "Images" tab).
      checkmark to generate Screen Web Pages
      checkmark to generate Web Page Table
      URL field
      - I think some control over the position of the
        PLI within the Layout Image would be good.
        Curently it is always Top-Left, but some of my
        models are viewed so that they extend from
        top-left to bottom-right, so it tends to

    1-Tab "Miscellaneous"

      Contents as the current "Building Instructions" /
      "Controls" sub-tab.  That one has partially pretty
      global stuff in it, which motivated me to have it
      at the top level.  Maybe some of its checkmarks
      should stay somewhere under the "Images" Tab.

9. Terminology

    I suggest to use consistent terminology.  Just a
    nit, but it helps beginners very much:

    a) "complete model"
       Currently, "Complete Assembly" and "Whole model"
       are used.

    b) "sub-model"
       Currently, "SubModel" and "Sub-Assembly" are

10. The BOM generation produces an error message saying
    that it cannot open the xxx.ldr file, which
    according to the message it tries to open in the
    directory of the loaded LDRAW model, while it
    probably should be opening it in the LDraw
    directory.  It seems the new directory structure was
    not yet applied to the BOM generation part

11. At some point in the sequence of steps within a
    sub-model, the generated CSIs have only the greyed
    out color of previous parts.  In the cases I have,
    it always starts with the first step after any
    rotation step, until the end of that sub-model.  Let
    me know if you want to have an example.

12. The generated PLIs are consequently missing any
    part that is a sub-model.  If that resulted in an
    empty PLI, the PLI image files (correctly) is not
    generated.  I verified in the config file that
    pli_include_submodel_images was set (if that is the
    right one).  Since it does it so consequently, I
    think maybe it has to do with not reading the config
    setting properly.

13. Both the CSIs and the Part Images now come with
    transparent background, i.e. the background settings
    are all ignored.  I think the control of the
    background settings should allow to set transparent
    background (see my proposal above), and whatever was
    set should be honored.

14. The "Progress Status" window is modal (the main
    window cannot be operated as long as the status
    window is open), but the main window can be brought
    into the foreground, which hides the status window.
    If the main window then is minimized, the status
    windoiw is minimized too, and if the main window is
    restored again, the status window is still behind
    it.  It would be nice if the status window were to
    stay on top of the main window.

15. The "Cancel" button in the rogress Status window
    does not always see to work.  I do realize that
    sometimes it waits for the rendering to complete the
    current picture, but sometimes it ignores the
    cancellation even beyond that.

16. The POV-Ray rendering window pops up for every new
    image being rendered.  I did not find a POV-Ray
    setting that would prevent this.  I'd like to be
    able to minimize all windows during rendering and
    have it done completely in the background.  Since
    LPub apparently has a POV-Ray exit DLL, is there any
    way LPub can help to get there, or would this need
    to be fixed by POV-Ray itself ?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Some comments on the LPub beta
(...) I have a minimal install package that came with Borland C++ Builder, and I barely know how to use it. Any education would be greatly appreciated. (...) Fair enough. (...) Max camera distance only calculates max camera distance for building (...) (20 years ago, 27-Mar-05, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Some comments on the LPub beta
(...) <snip> (...) I reread the MPD file format specification, and it says: "When an MPD file is used to store a multi-file model, the first file in the MPD is treated as the 'main model' -- all other files in the MPD will only be rendered if they (...) (20 years ago, 4-Apr-05, to lugnet.cad)

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