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 Building / Minifigs / 630
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Re: white hair & grey hair ...are these old folks only in one set
Wed, 29 Nov 2000 21:02:49 GMT
79 times
Heather Patey wrote:

In lugnet.general, Frank Filz writes, among other things:
This brings back the question of most desired hair pieces...

Padme hair (black, red, tan, yellow, orange (1))
Quigon hair (black, red, tan, yellow, orange (1))
indian (red, brown, tan, yellow, orange (1))

(1) The "aged" colors of white, grey, and dark grey would be nice also,
but I don't see this as much of an "old" folks hair style

I agree except for the Indian braids... in grey could be for a shaman or
wise-woman.  I have this Playmobil shaman
who has grey pigtails, and he looks great.

On the subject of old folks, we now have grey beards (old Obi-wan and rock
raiders) and beards with glasses (Spielberg)... so how about glasses with
lipstick, or plain smilies with glasses?  Do they exist?  Would be nice...

Grey printed beards are a little older, the Wild West sets have a head
with a grey beard (see ). I think this
was also used in some Pirate sets.

Of course we also need the beard piece in grey and dark grey, black
might also be nice.

Heads is a place where we could list many many, but perhaps a few

- smily with glasses as Heather mentions
- lipstick with glasses as Heather mentions
- lipstick with shades
- more female heads in general
- headphone less versions of all heads with headphones

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: white hair & grey hair ...are these old folks only in one set
In lugnet.general, Frank Filz writes, among other things: (...) I agree except for the Indian braids... in grey could be for a shaman or wise-woman. I have this Playmobil shaman (URL) has grey pigtails, and he looks great. On the subject of old (...) (24 years ago, 29-Nov-00, to lugnet.general,

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