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 Building / Mecha / 4798
4797  |  4799
Re: New mechs for your approval
Sat, 17 Nov 2001 23:43:46 GMT
591 times
lol...Can't wait to see 'The Bunny'.

Heh!  Alright!  You know what I'm building next!
"'just a bunny' you said, 'harmless you said'"  the summoner, Monty Python
and the Holy Grail.
The Teeth!  The sharp pointy Teeth!!!!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New mechs for your approval
(...) Remember...use plenty of Paradisa Pink... 'awwww look at the cute little pink....OW!!! Where'd my arm go?!?' -Dave (23 years ago, 18-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New mechs for your approval
(...) Heh! It's my favorite as well. Expect to see me use it heavily as I 're-invent' my M-Tron Commandos idea. I've decided that they need to be grittier and meaner so more dark grey is a must. (...) No problem. I'm pretty certain I've got it (...) (23 years ago, 17-Nov-01, to

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