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 Building / Mecha / 4782
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Re: New mechs for your approval
Sat, 17 Nov 2001 18:51:07 GMT
486 times
In, Mark Neumann writes:
I've got two new ones up on my website, I'll be adding them to brickshelf as
soon as I can.  (for some reason I couldn't upload to it, server error)
Anywho, the mechs are:

Titan at a

Note to self-don't tick off Titan pilot....
Seriously, Mark...this might be one of your finest! I really like it a lot (and
not just because it's red).

and  the UB-2500 (Urban Bug) at

Okay, you got me! This isn't what I expected, given your past designs. I like
the design enough that I might try replicating this in my own workshop in
slightly more subdued colors (subdued color? me? lol). Great job, man!

Incidentially, there isn't any commentary for the mechs on my website yet
(as of 6am 11-17-01) I'll get to that very soon.

Now, I've got to give credit when it is due and I've got to say that when
Mladen Pejic put up his police bot, it inspired me to do the UB-2500.  It
doesn't look much like his but he did put the fire under my ass to do it.
And believe  it or not I did it one night after putting in eight hours on
the Titan.  Enjoy and (as always) lmkwyt.

Yeah, I can see how that one could inspire the building fire...(what is it with
me and rhyming today? I feel like a bazooka-toting Dr. Seuss).

Oh, and for those that might be interested, the mystery mech as a name.  Out
voted 3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (thank you for all the suggestions) The mystery
mech's name is Treefrog.

Okay! That is a great name for it!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New mechs for your approval
(...) I've been pretending what I'd look like to be in that cockpit. Can you imagine all the red buttons? But really though thank you. Like I said in some of the other message replys I've been refining my mech design. I think so far this is the (...) (23 years ago, 17-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  New mechs for your approval
I've got two new ones up on my website, I'll be adding them to brickshelf as soon as I can. (for some reason I couldn't upload to it, server error) Anywho, the mechs are: Titan at a (URL) the UB-2500 (Urban Bug) at (URL) there isn't any commentary (...) (23 years ago, 17-Nov-01, to ! 

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