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 Building / Mecha / 4777
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Re: New mechs for your approval
Sat, 17 Nov 2001 17:03:05 GMT
498 times
In article <>,
"Mark" <> wrote:

Titan at a

Duuuuude. Nice weapons. I dig the tri-gatling under the nose and the big
rack-o-missiles on the shoulder. Sweet.

and  the UB-2500 (Urban Bug) at

Nice big clumpy feel. Has a very Anime feel to it.

Well done! Can't wait to see them at the next SEALUG meeting (which I
will be able to attend, after all)

~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
Mark's Lego(R) Creations

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New mechs for your approval
(...) Thanks, I went a little overboard on this one. It felt goooood. (...) You know me, These things really should look like they could take a punch. (...) Right on! I too look like I'll be able to attend this time. Trust me Titan will be there. (...) (23 years ago, 17-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  New mechs for your approval
I've got two new ones up on my website, I'll be adding them to brickshelf as soon as I can. (for some reason I couldn't upload to it, server error) Anywho, the mechs are: Titan at a (URL) the UB-2500 (Urban Bug) at (URL) there isn't any commentary (...) (23 years ago, 17-Nov-01, to ! 

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