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  Re: "MOC" Blacksmith Shop on
(...) I did better than that. I just opened up my newsreader and took a look. Well I'll be ding dong danged. I must have been mentally correcting it all these years, 'cause I sure wouldn't have expected it to look that way. I find on LUGNET, when (...) (23 years ago, 28-Dec-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: "MOC" Blacksmith Shop on
(...) Then I stand corrected. (...) I will stop correcting it immediately. (...) Done. (...) Larry, I never doubt you. I usually just disagree with you. ;) Regards, Allan B. (23 years ago, 28-Dec-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: "MOC" Blacksmith Shop on
(...) No, it's actually quite clear. As in the example above. ("I" am saying that YOU wrote the stuff that is marked with ">" symbols and YOU are saying that TOM wrote the stuff that is marked with ">>" symbols.) PLEASE DO NOT manually "correct" (...) (23 years ago, 28-Dec-01, to, lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Brickshelf discussion group?
I'd love to see a group where people can discuss Brickshelf related issues. Examples of this would be: 1. I can't get my pictures uploaded to Brickshelf 2. Kevin, can you please change _____ ? 3. When will 1998 catalogs be available online? etc. I (...) (23 years ago, 10-Dec-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp) ! 
  Re: newsticker
(...) Wow, that was fast! Thanks Dan! --Bram Bram Lambrecht (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...) --Bram (Just realized I forgot to find my password when I went home for there a way I can get a new one? Then I can spotlight this post :) Bram Lambrecht (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...) article (...) it actually works that way with netscape/mozilla... IE doesn't like the _content target, but if anyone finds out what the "current window" tag is for IE, I'll be happy to use it :) as a workaround, use the window that pops up - (...) (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...) Works fine for me! Only one suggestion, if when you clicked on an article or do a search, it put the link destination or the results of a search in the current window instead of popping a new one. Thanks, guys! Steve Martin IndyLUG (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...) Here it is:"LUGNET QuickSet Search",""));if(q){u="(URL) here is the message I'm getting when it tries:"(URL) "_blank", "toolbar=0,location=...directorie [cut off] -- Thomas Main (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...)'s (...) I haven't tried that for a while - where is the code that you're using? Dan (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...) I just updated to the latest Mozilla release so I could use this's great! I noticed the LUGNET Quick Set search popup that I had set up for Netscape doesn't work anymore :( Is there anyway of modifying it for Mozilla/Netscape 6? (...) (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...) ok, it's up - (URL) - and please, try it, and let me know... I haven't tried it myself, since I don't have IE installed anywhere to test with. :) Dan (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)  
  Re: newsticker
(...) Let us know when it is on your website for download. I'd like to try it. Steve (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...) nod, interesting idea - if you want to do that with N6, you could just disable javascript before clicking on the ticker link, that should make it take over your current window, I think. Dan (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...) ticker (...) window. (...) Don't (...) will (...) it (...) cool (...) I think it makes sense. Netscape says the _content target is the main window, IE of course, disagrees. So when you click on a link, it creates a window called _content - new (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
I have noticed one strange thing. When you click on a link from the ticker in IE it opens up another window (with another ticker) for the news item. This second window will not do the same thing however. You can use the ticker in this window and the (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
(...) :) says it all! Thanks' Dan for this EXTREMELY useful tool. I'll mention what has already been said-It will change the way I view Lugnet and Brickshelf. -Dave (who's off to tinker with the code to see if he can make it even more useful for (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
"Dan Boger" <> wrote in message (...) :) (...) Not sure but IE5 does appear to be fairly similar to 6 in this department. The addresses for IE6's default search page could be different then 5's though. (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
First of all, this is going to completely change the way I read Lugnet. Just for kicks, I tried the links to add the sidebar in Netscape 4.78. It spewed a message about it only working in NS6, but gave the option to launch it as a pop-up window. The (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)
  Re: newsticker
In lugnet.admin.nntp, Jon Palmer wrote: \> Its not a profesional job but I replaced the Search bar (which I never used) (...) places. (...) would it work with IE5? if so, send me the reg, I'll add it to the page :) maybe a screenshot? Dan (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)

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