Re: Idea for the Lugnet News/Discussion Groups website
Fri, 28 May 1999 19:12:12 GMT
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In lugnet.admin.general, Todd Lehman writes:
> In lugnet.admin.general, (Ed Jones) writes:
> > > They both freeze up my system.
> By "system" do you mean the app or the OS? Wow, either way, they've got you
> good! :-( Perhaps rather than blocking specific ports, they only allow
> certain ports (like 80=HTTP, 23=SMTP, etc.).
Locks up the entire system and have to reboot.
> Hmmm. You're running NT, right? What happens when you launch the built-in
> telnet app and telnet to port 8000 or 8080?
> Start -> Run ->
> Open => telnet
> Connect -> Remote System ->
> Host Name =>
> Port => 8080
> TermType => vt100
> Does it display any text in that window?
> --Todd
That would work if they didn't hide the programs all over the system (we have
drives from A-Z) - it'd take me a week just to figure out where they hid
Telnet!!! (running a search on 26 drives used by 9000 people takes a LONG time)
FYI - we have locked desktops as well (they blocked the ability to install
software. It is impossible to load software without the tech support people.
Yeah I know its a supervisory setting in the win.ini file, but we don't have
write access to the ini - I tried editing it once in through WordPad - it
wasn't pretty). All applications are uploaded via a lex distribution.
My other half is a geek. He laughs hysterically at the "Big Brother" system we
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