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  update to Lego Piece Trading Page
Hi folks! If you haven't been by my Lego Piece Trading Page in awhile, I've got some new stuff up there. In addition, my lego piece wants have expanded muchly (?), so let's get tradin'! (URL) for looking! Adam (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to
  Re: Ep1 peeves (includes episode 2 spoiler-maybe)
[SPOILERS/SPECULATION] I heard that Episode II will deal primarily with the Clone Wars and the love affair between Anakin and Amidala. With the extinction of the Sith over a millennium ago, I feel that Palpatine has somehow reconstructed the DNA (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Lego Dragons
(...) Begin at the beginning. Go through to the end. Then stop. You're welcome, grasshopper. All kidding aside, LEGO is about imagination. What does a dragon look like? Put a few bricks together to see if you can get that vision. Not quite right? (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to
  Re: Mindstorms Ogre
(...) Quite a nice tank, Jonathan. Where did you get those tracks? I think they were available in some Technic set years ago but not now. I'd like to be wrong and have a chance to get them somewhere :) Mario ---...--- (URL) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.robotics)
  Many auctions finishing and starting....
Please see our many auctions that are finishing in a couple of days and some that just began today on ebay. All parts are new. Elements include pieces from StarWars, Adventurers, Ninja, Castle, RockRaiders and more. Search for seller - lampy or (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to
  Re: A cool Hummer
Hello, Tom Stangl <> wrote in article <>... (...) COOL (...) ULV-017 (...) something not (...) Hendren. (...) were one of the reasons that I created the Expert Builder site. Jason doesn't yet have a (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to
  Re: Set on James Mathis' site (was Re: See Silver Construction Worker Keychain)
Yes, the top of the CAB, those are common. What I was dreaming about was the hinged top pieces on the trailer - I need one to build a Yellow Fury. (...) -- | Tom Stangl, Technical Support Netscape Communications Corp | | Please do not associate my (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Train Windows service packs
(...) You are correct. Maybe a train bucket, but not a pack. We're better off agitating for a pack than a bucket as I think the run can be lower. So let's get down to 2 colors. Or even 1. Me, I like blue. We haven't HAD a lot of blue in a long (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: a short rant...
Agreed, definitely. You either need to fully use the AS (AucZILLA Standard), or scrap it. It used to be that it was very useful. These days, with some pieces going for absolutely ludicrous prices, I can't comfortably use the AS anymore, as sometimes (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: mockup of the SW PIECES
JW, it is a useless attempt to even make mockups with out the real parts. I don't have the piece from below so I really shouldn't comment, but the TIE cockpit is pathetic. The real one is two studs deep, not one. The landspeeder engine is about a (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: A cool Hummer
Actually, the Hummer was posted to RTL or Lugnet a month or more back. COOL model. (...) -- | Tom Stangl, Technical Support Netscape Communications Corp | | Please do not associate my personal views with my employer | (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to
  Re: Upon Further Review...barrier answer
(...) But what the heck is all that stuff (bridges, security systems, etc.) in the basement? In Ep V, I can see why they had the shaft for the cloud city, but why on Naboo? The basement (if that's what it was) didn't match anything else on the (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: New Name: Town Details Series (Was: Furniture Series)
Oh, sorry I hadn't replied, but I had just taken a look and I think it is really neat although I'm not in a town "mood" right now so I don't have anything to really use them with. I like the way you did the step things. Good job!! Ryan "Build or (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.cad.dat.models)
  Expert Builder Website Updated
Hello, A new model has been added to the Expert Builder website. If you have a moment please stop by: (URL) to see Terry Keller's ULV-017, an unique off-world vehicle designed for exploration and research. As well, the Online Ideas page has a new (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to
  9v Track in LDraw
Has anyone modeled the straight track section for Ldraw? If so, could you point me in the right direction? Duane (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: Train Windows service packs
(...) campaign. (...) As we have not yet reached a consensus on color yet, I have left it out. It will be in the final version of the letter. I personally would agree with your list except to place black before yellow and maybe even blue, as I have (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: 6399 Airport Shuttle Comments
I didn't realize that 6921 and 6347 were different, but I see that they are. I recently found a couple sets of 6347 at a toy store. The boxes were badly damaged, but they were complete! Is anyone willing to trade a 6921 for a 6347? Rob ---...--- (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.general)
  How to race Pod Racers
Okay, I have a Mindstorms at work and I haven't cracked it open yet but I've got this idea... What if you built towers with directional lights on them. Then built a "sled" for each pod racer with the RCX on board and a light sensor on the left. (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: 6399 Airport Shuttle Comments
(...) Scott S. correctly named the accessory sets, both of which give you more track, in response to your question. But you asked of service packs. I don't know the numbers off hand and I didn't turn them up in a quick Pause, but there are two (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Collect comics? Buy them with Lego.
(...) I'm not into comics anymore, thank goodness, but you do have a few lots that I might be interested in, just for nostalgia's sake. How are you planning on working out the trades? Say I have a set that you want (not really sure what you're (...) (26 years ago, 24-May-99, to

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