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Re: Build a Suburban House (or homes) for Brickfest
Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:09:10 GMT
6109 times
In, Ondrew Hartigan wrote: is
   there any particular reason for the large offsets?

i can understand the side offsets as thats typical to the real world but front and rear offsets are usualy all over the place depending on the town and even subdivision.

It is mainly so there is enough of a front and back yard so people build something in these spaces. If you don’t leave the offset then the houses are too close to each other and there isn’t enough room for yard detail. What happens, at least in the experiments we’ve done up in the Pacific NW, is that the scale gets screwed up as there are well scaled houses but the yards don’t make any sense to what people are used to in the real life.

The spacing makes people think about what has to go in the yard and lets the houses be further apart and more “suburban”

And by all means, use these ideas as jumping blocks for further ideas.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Build a Suburban House (or homes) for Brickfest
(...) this is really really a cool idea. allthough i won't be attending brickfest this year because of brickworld, i think i might take a crack at this. is there any particular reason for the large offsets? i can understand the side offsets as thats (...) (17 years ago, 24-Feb-07, to, FTX)

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