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Re: Build a Suburban House (or homes) for Brickfest
Sun, 4 Mar 2007 05:53:48 GMT
6714 times
I have been putting them down on 32x32. No alley. Is this goning to mess anything up? SteveB

In, Jeff Pelletier wrote:
   In, Steven Barile wrote:
   I’ll be binging 9 houses! They are already built just some simple base plate mods required.> and three simple “company” houses...



What size footprint are the houses going to be on? The 32x32 without alley or the 32x48 with alley?

Thanks, Jeff

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Build a Suburban House (or homes) for Brickfest
(...) Either size is fine, I just need to know how big they are for space planning. By the way, the 32x48 format is 32 wide and 48 deep (to answer your question from the other day which I never got back to!) Jeff (17 years ago, 5-Mar-07, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Build a Suburban House (or homes) for Brickfest
(...) Steve, What size footprint are the houses going to be on? The 32x32 without alley or the 32x48 with alley? Thanks, Jeff (17 years ago, 2-Mar-07, to, FTX)

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