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Re: Build a Suburban House (or homes) for Brickfest
Sat, 24 Feb 2007 21:23:16 GMT
7500 times
In lugnet.announce, Jeff Pelletier wrote:
   The Town / Train display is putting out the call for Suburban houses to populate the areas outside the city limits. If you haven’t built town MOCs before but want to give this one a try – this is the perfect opportunity as the investment in pieces isn’t too huge and you get a chance to really add to what is shaping up to be a really fantastic layout.

I’m planning on bringing my houses, I’ve seen how cool it is to have a lot of houses in the same scale form a neighborhood. The purpose of my houses is to make everybody else’s look good. :)

GPLR did this for at least one GATS, you can see the pictures here:

I highly recommend putting a house together and bringing it. They don’t take that long, and the cumulative effect of several neighborhoods together will be pretty stunning.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Build a Suburban House (or homes) for Brickfest
(...) LOL ALL you do is give, Kelly! :-) JOHN (17 years ago, 24-Feb-07, to, FTX)

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  Build a Suburban House (or homes) for Brickfest
The Town / Train display is putting out the call for Suburban houses to populate the areas outside the city limits. If you haven’t built town MOCs before but want to give this one a try – this is the perfect opportunity as the investment in pieces (...) (17 years ago, 24-Feb-07, to lugnet.announce,,, FTX) !! 

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