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Re: New Version of 9V Geared Motor
lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic
Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:29:10 GMT
1319 times
In lugnet.robotics, Mark Riley wrote:
I hope this isn't old news - at least I couldn't find any mention
of it here, so...

While rummaging through a new copy of the Ultimate Builders
Set (#3800), I noticed that the 9V mini-motor that came with
the set was somewhat different than ones I've encountered
before.  Normally, when I get a new one of these motors,
I twirl the shaft with my fingers to hear that nice purring gear
box sound they tend to make.  Well, to my surprise, this
one made a lot of noise.  Not only that, but when I let go
of the shaft after giving it a twirl, it only continued to rotate
for about 2 seconds (as opposed to the 5 seconds or so for
a normal motor).  I thought "Darn, I got a bad motor!".

However, after looking at this new motor  for a while and
comparing its operation to a "normal" motor, I noticed that
indeed there were cosmetic differences as well.  And, the
number on the bottom of the motor in question was different
than all the other motors in my collection (i.e. new motor =
43362, old motors = 71427).  Here's an image of the
differences I found between the two versions:

Oh, one more thing - while writing this I noticed that the
new motor is definitely lighter (i.e. less mass) than normal

What's funny is that this is the second copy of set 3800
I've acquired.  The first set must have shipped with the
normal version of the motor, because all my other motors
are of the 71427 variety.

Now, up to this point I've tried to be objective about this
new motor.  But, since the new version makes more noise
and doesn't rotate as freely, I'm led to believe that this
might be a cost cutting move on Lego's part.  That, or I
really do have a bad motor and it's just a coincidence
that it happens to be the new version.

So, does anybody else have one of these new motors?
And, how does its operation compare to the others you


Dear Mark

I couldn't find any data about the radios of 43362 motor in the website. Do you
have any information about this motor's radios?

Best Regards

Message is in Reply To:
  New Version of 9V Geared Motor
I hope this isn't old news - at least I couldn't find any mention of it here, so... While rummaging through a new copy of the Ultimate Builders Set (#3800), I noticed that the 9V mini-motor that came with the set was somewhat different than ones (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)  

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