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Re: New Version of 9V Geared Motor
lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 12:47:52 GMT
3672 times
In lugnet.robotics, Mark Riley writes:
Here's an image of the
differences I found between the two versions:

This link doesn't work for me. Is your website down? Does anyone else have
an image of the new motor?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Version of 9V Geared Motor
TJ, Mark has graciously allowed his picture to be added to my Brickshelf comparison page. Here's a deep link until the moderation is done: (URL) that helps, Clark Visit my Vintage Parts pages, submissions always welcome: (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  New Version of 9V Geared Motor
I hope this isn't old news - at least I couldn't find any mention of it here, so... While rummaging through a new copy of the Ultimate Builders Set (#3800), I noticed that the 9V mini-motor that came with the set was somewhat different than ones (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)  

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