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Re: New Version of 9V Geared Motor
lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 18:09:16 GMT
3199 times

Just checked mine and eight of them are all the 'old' version, I can not
tell about the nineth since it's deep in a MOC.

Four of them is from 8457 Power Puller, two replaced by LEGO, two from the
RIS and one 8479 BarCode truck.

One of the replacements came spring 2002 so the newer ones should be from
summer or younger...

Just delurking some :)

/Tobbe, still alive and kickin'!

Message is in Reply To:
  New Version of 9V Geared Motor
I hope this isn't old news - at least I couldn't find any mention of it here, so... While rummaging through a new copy of the Ultimate Builders Set (#3800), I noticed that the 9V mini-motor that came with the set was somewhat different than ones (...) (22 years ago, 15-Oct-02, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)  

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