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 Technic / 15025
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Re: mindstorms NXT - 90 degree.
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 12:05:17 GMT
4677 times
In lugnet.technic, Rob Antonishen <> wrote:

On 1/7/06, Lane <Steve> wrote:

I'm surprised it took Lego this long to fix the problem and only when an
outsider pointed it out.

Not that hard really -
Most of the studless sets I have played with are not beam type
constructions in 3D.  They all tend to be layers of 2D beams pinned
together like sandwiches.

If you look at most of the new studless technic sets the large
majority of studless beans run in the front-to-back planes with the
holes to the left and right.  I'm guessing it is because this is one
of easier ways to design studless structured...consider it a bunch of
slices through the desired model, then stack them together.

Or do what I do. Don't bother with (entirely) studless, and buy secondhand
studded off Ebay or Bricklink.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: mindstorms NXT - 90 degree.
(...) Not that hard really - Most of the studless sets I have played with are not beam type constructions in 3D. They all tend to be layers of 2D beams pinned together like sandwiches. If you look at most of the new studless technic sets the large (...) (18 years ago, 8-Jan-06, to lugnet.technic)

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