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Re: PCS Magnolia
Sat, 18 Sep 2004 13:29:44 GMT
1044 times
In, Anders Isaksson wrote:
Tom McDonald wrote:
Meet my ship, the Magnolia! Ain't she a beaut?

That ship is a beauty! The form, the details!

The only (visual) problem I have with it is the square-y (word?) blockiness
of the opening around the pod.

This was the toughest thing about the design. I didn't try to fight it (much). I
wanted to have wide viewports on the sides and yet have the pod/bubble be low
profile, which meant it had to be lowered and look sealed onto the ship. Using
snotted arches to conform to the circle seemed like a good idea, but that left
gaps as well.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: PCS Magnolia
(...) The only (visual) problem I have with it is the square-y (word?) blockiness of the opening around the pod. The other problem with it is, that now that I've seen it, I just can't sit down and try to build a spaceship of my own. I don't have the (...) (20 years ago, 18-Sep-04, to,

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