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 Robotics / 23374
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Re: Johnny five IS alive - first MOC
lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.technic
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 22:00:52 GMT
2938 times
In lugnet.robotics, Stefan Naepflin wrote:
In lugnet.robotics, Ross Crawford wrote:

Hi Steven, that is very cool! I'm glad I could contribute no matter how small.
I've added .technic to the groups cos I think they'll like it over there too!

Can't wait to see the finished robot - I remember Short Circuit from when I was
a kid.

One question I have, how smoothly does it move on those treads? I found my crane
was pretty jerky when it moved.

Thank you for your feedback and for adding my post to .technic.

Yes it's true, moving is pretty jerky and because of the huge overall weight the
treads will broke up .relatively often.

Maybe I'll think about another kind of treads but I'll finish up the other parts

You might find that spreading the hinge plates wider on the tread shoes will
help. Having them near the centre increases the "twisting" effect if there are
forces near the edge of the shoes. Also, having 3 per shoe instead of 2 may help
- mine don't break apart very often now, mostly only when trying to turn (move
one tread faster than the other).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Johnny five IS alive - first MOC
(...) Perhaps switching to 2x plates instead of 4x for the tread surfaces would help - this would help to smooth the curve around the wheels, at the cost of almost doubling the number of hinges you would need to add. Otherwise, love this MOC. Great (...) (19 years ago, 20-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Johnny five IS alive - first MOC
(...) Hi Thank you for your feedback and for adding my post to .technic. Yes it's true, moving is pretty jerky and because of the huge overall weight the treads will broke up .relatively often. Maybe I'll think about another kind of treads but I'll (...) (19 years ago, 20-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.technic)

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