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Re: Powering motors from the mains
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Sat, 18 May 2002 03:31:01 GMT
266 times
I think you misuderstood what Larry said (or I misunderstood what you
said). I think Larry was saying that you should use the wall wart from
the train speed regulator, which is what Lego recommends. Also, I dont
see how you could burn out the diodes in the rectifier.* All the
discrete diodes in the RCX are 1N4002s, which can transmit at least 1
amp. However thay could have used a monolithic rectifier, but I dont
think Lego would produce anything that would fail like that.

*If youve done it, and youre sure thats what happened, then I stand

Ross Crawford wrote:

In lugnet.technic, Larry Pieniazek writes:

The wall wart from a speed reg can also power an RCX that has the power

You can do this but it's not recommended. As the RCX 1.0 has a bridge
rectifier on the power input, it's recommended you use a 10v AC supply, to
avoid buring out the diodes.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Powering motors from the mains
(...) Yes. That is what I meant. I even believe sincerely that it's what I said. :-) I am not sure who exactly within LEGO first recommended it but if you dig hard enough in lugnet.robotics I believe you will find just such a recommendation.... that (...) (22 years ago, 18-May-02, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Powering motors from the mains
(...) You can do this but it's not recommended. As the RCX 1.0 has a bridge rectifier on the power input, it's recommended you use a 10v AC supply, to avoid buring out the diodes. ROSCO (22 years ago, 18-May-02, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

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