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(MOC) 12-gun Top-Sail Schooner RTS REMEMBER the LEGAMO
lugnet.pirates, lugnet.announce.moc,
Mon, 24 Jan 2005 05:23:49 GMT
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24745 times
12-gun Top-Sail Schooner RTS REMEMBER the LEGAMO


A two center section ship.

What do I like with what I did with this MOC, I like that masts have rake, and it has a low tumblehome, and the shaped sheer in the hull. And also that bow gun ports are still used and the bronze swivel guns.

She not quite done I need a blue waving flag for the fore mast top. And a figure head, that’s neat and small, maybe not just another minifig female torso.

why pirates? (recall what Sam Houston said about us)

so what do you think?


Austin, TX

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: (MOC) 12-gun Top-Sail Schooner RTS REMEMBER the LEGAMO
Woo-hoo! The Texas Navy rises again! Kurt, I like it a lot. The pic is a bit large, though. James Wilson Dallas, TX (19 years ago, 24-Jan-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)
  Re: (MOC) 12-gun Top-Sail Schooner RTS REMEMBER the LEGAMO
Again, something with guns and sails. Suh-wheet! All the little lattice windows are neat, as is the little "molding" on the back of the captain's cabin. Nice color scheme too. Sorry I can't offer much in the way of shipbuilding critiques. The names (...) (19 years ago, 24-Jan-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)
  Re: (MOC) 12-gun Top-Sail Schooner RTS REMEMBER the LEGAMO
(...) Another worthy vessel! While I'm not generally a fan of schooner rigs, this is an excellent example... The mast rake is subtle and that stern, narrow and nicely schoonery. (...) Have you considered one like the ((URL) Demand)? (Minifig head, (...) (19 years ago, 1-Feb-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)

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