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(MOC) 20-gun Brig-of-War RTS SAN LEGONIO
lugnet.pirates, lugnet.announce.moc,
Mon, 24 Jan 2005 05:04:14 GMT
! (details)
25841 times
20-gun Brig-of-War RTS SAN LEGONIO


This is my rebuild of the BSB, three hull center sections.

what do I like with what I did with this MOC, I like that I the used the gun ports in the bow and the stern, and I like my bronze swivel guns.

why pirates? (recall what Sam Houston said about us)

The first of two MOCs from me showing off the fleet.

It’s not a large fleet ;^)


Austin, TX

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: (MOC) 20-gun Brig-of-War RTS SAN LEGONIO
I've always liked old sailing vessels, the thunderous broadside shots and all. This is a really neat, and really big ship. What's the tape for? Coloring the hull? And how'd Timmy slip into the ranks? :^p Oh, and anything flying the Lone Star rocks. (...) (19 years ago, 24-Jan-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)
  Re: (MOC) 20-gun Brig-of-War RTS SAN LEGONIO
(...) A very nice development of the BSB! And yes, the swivel guns are pretty cool. (But they shouldn't count in the number of guns for the rating!) And recolouring the hull sections certainly works... I shall have to experiment with electrical tape (...) (19 years ago, 1-Feb-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)

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