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Re: Wedding at LEGOLAND
Thu, 24 Aug 2000 23:56:30 GMT
712 times
Todd and Suzanne,

Congratulations and best wishes to you both as you enter a new phase of your
relationship. Having the ceremony makes you look at the other person with a
different perspective....and it's a good one.

If you do post the date, I'd like to help represent the LUGNET community in
person (I like the idea of throwing 1x1 plates)....I'm sure there will be lots
of pictures put up on Brickshelf.

Paul Sinasohn

Message is in Reply To:
  Wedding at LEGOLAND
Just spoke with Deanne M. Olson, CMP* of LEGOLAND California and they are very interested in helping us (me & Suz) have our a wedding at LEGOLAND! She said they've never hosted a wedding before, but that everyone there (including the PR director :-) (...) (24 years ago, 21-Aug-00, to lugnet.people) !! 

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