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Re: Wedding at LEGOLAND
Mon, 21 Aug 2000 19:04:32 GMT
724 times
In lugnet.people, Todd Lehman writes:
Just spoke with Deanne M. Olson, CMP* of LEGOLAND California and they are
very interested in helping us (me & Suz) have our a wedding at LEGOLAND!
WOW! That is so cool, Todd! Personally, I won't even go to weddings anymore
unless they're A weddings. B weddings just don't have the same quality acting,
sound or lighting that I've come to expect.  ;^D

All excruciating nitpicking aside, really that is very very cool. Congrats!

-Adam   8^D

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Wedding at LEGOLAND
(...) Not quite all of it.. :) The B wedding really takes place when the legal docs are signed and filed at a county facility, which can be filled with politicians.. which are extremely good at B acting, smoke and mirrors. Yet this really rocks! I (...) (24 years ago, 22-Aug-00, to lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Wedding at LEGOLAND
Just spoke with Deanne M. Olson, CMP* of LEGOLAND California and they are very interested in helping us (me & Suz) have our a wedding at LEGOLAND! She said they've never hosted a wedding before, but that everyone there (including the PR director :-) (...) (24 years ago, 21-Aug-00, to lugnet.people) !! 

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