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Re: Tim Courtney has left BrickMedia
Wed, 9 Jul 2003 15:18:35 GMT
1976 times
In lugnet.people, James Wilson wrote:
Poke fun if you wish, but the silence coming from BrickMedia is deafening.
After seeing Tim's post at FBTB, I e-mailed BrickMedia, inquiring about the
status of the magazine (for which I have already paid a year's subscription),
and suggesting that he address Tim's departure in a public posting at LUGNet.
So far, I have received nothing in way of reply

James Wilson
Dallas, TX
Lugnet Member 1783

I have also paid for a subscription to the magazine.  If this project has indeed
failed, I would appreciate a reply regarding a timeframe as to when refunds will
be issued.



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Tim Courtney has left BrickMedia
(...) Heh, that's a good one! I hope you weren't serious, 'cause I'd say if they fold, the chance of "Charter Subscribers" seeing their $$ back is nil. James (21 years ago, 9-Jul-03, to lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Tim Courtney has left BrickMedia
Poke fun if you wish, but the silence coming from BrickMedia is deafening. After seeing Tim's post at FBTB, I e-mailed BrickMedia, inquiring about the status of the magazine (for which I have already paid a year's subscription), and suggesting that (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jul-03, to lugnet.people)

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