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Tim Courtney has left BrickMedia
lugnet.announce, lugnet.people
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 16:26:08 GMT
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3011 times
I am posting this message to the community at large to inform you I have left BrickMedia ( and therefore am no longer involved with any of its properties. I have made several requests to Matt over several weeks’ time to remove my name from the BrickMedia websites, and those requests have not been honored.

Because my name is still listed on the BrickMedia websites against my wishes and without license, I feel I should make it absolutely clear I am no longer involved by posting here.

This information isn’t new to the public, but this is the first time it’s come out in the form of an announcement - see my response at the bottom of this FBTB thread.

I do not wish to discuss the details surrounding why I left BrickMedia in public. Those who need to know already know, and have been very supportive of me. Any questions you have about BrickMedia should be taken up with its owner, Matt Gerber.

Tim Courtney

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Tim Courtney has left BrickMedia
(...) And Elvis has left the building! It's summer-time people...don't get so worked-up about stuff. I'm sure there will be a reconciliation in the future. (Both you and Matt are good peoples in my books) Or is this just a publicity ploy to increase (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jul-03, to lugnet.people)
  Re: Tim Courtney has left BrickMedia
(...) Why the secrecy? I mean, you're not wishing to discuss the details, you're upset that your name hasn't been removed from the site, and you need the support of those who 'need to know' so it obviously wasn't an amicable separation. So why not (...) (21 years ago, 10-Jul-03, to lugnet.people, FTX)

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