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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 1184
1183  |  1185
Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 20:09:41 GMT
1136 times
In, Rick Hallman writes:
In lugnet.announce, Scott Sanburn writes:
Friday – June 22, 2001:
When we arrived there, Chris Leach, Amy Hughes, Kai Brodersen, Trevor Pruden
and his wife, Janet, were there already! They started going into my stuff to
finish the display. As per typical Scott fashion, after accidentally putting
shaving cream in my hair instead of gel that morning (I was tired after
packing and loading the Suburban up) was walking back out to get something
in the mighty Suburban, and walked full speed right into a glass plate
window, luckily I did not break it, but everyone had a good chuckle at the
interesting prints my face, my hands, and my watch and wedding ring made.


more that emril guy "Bam" ;)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
Kai and All, (...) Heh? Scott "Kai has a gift of confusing me" S. -- (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
(...) *KLUNK* (...) The service there did stink. Our Counter peep was doing the best he could with the manager lady biting his head off the whole time. (...) Confederation Soldiers? (...) might want to try making the Fuel storage tank more cirular (...) (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to

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