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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 1181
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Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 17:53:37 GMT
1048 times
Rick and all,

As per typical Scott fashion, after accidentally putting
shaving cream in my hair instead of gel that morning (I was tired after
packing and loading the Suburban up) was walking back out to get something
in the mighty Suburban, and walked full speed right into a glass plate
window, luckily I did not break it, but everyone had a good chuckle at the
interesting prints my face, my hands, and my watch and wedding ring made.


Man, that hurt! : )

Rick and I made a food run to McDonalds, and had
probably the worst and slowest service I have seen in many moons.

The service there did stink. Our Counter peep was doing the best he could
with the manager lady biting his head off the whole time.

Yes, I hope it wasn't his second day! What a mean lady!

This reminds me of SW: Episode 1

Egad! The Yellow Futurons are invading! Or are they liberating it from the
Confederation Soldiers?

Soldiers of the TDF never invade anything unless they are provoked. I am
sure it is those EVIL Confed sioliders! ; )

Rick brought his hanger, a medical building, and other various vehicles,
including his awesome Iron Eagle! Unfortunately, I don’t think I have many
pictures of your stuff, Rick. Make sure you bug me about it! ; )

You are the weakest link, Good Bye!

Hey, you could of walked home from Roseville, pal!

Those buildings were nice Scott. I like the Water Processing Plant. You
might want to try making the Fuel storage tank more cirular by getting a
compass and making a cirlce of wahtever size you want, then building inside
the circle's edge. It works for me.

Eh, too much work. Even with that, it will still look blocky. I will wait
for 16 stud Droid Escape type parts. : )

You're fired!

Good! I can go home and work on my Shell Station then!

There were various people that came through throughout the weekend, nothing
like a GATS display or anything, but I saw a gentleman with a white Star
Trek Next Generation uniform, and he told me it was the Chaplin’s core
uniform. I thought it was really cool! : )

Wow! I never knew that!

I know, I never saw that before, I asked him when he walked by the display. > I know there was one for the original series fromthe fan club, but not TNG.
Hehehehhe. Me and Kai took his words "You can have anything to drink that
you want" out of context. We both had Choc. Shakes.

And I got stuck with leaky OJ. : (

We wondered back to the hotel, and worked on various things. Trevor started
working on his ship, I started building a Futuron set I had, the  Star
Defender 200, , Tony was building some
various sets I received, Rick was setting up scenes in the colony.

Boom. Hover car accident, Security breach at the landing pads, Confed
soldiers were takin over!

I wish I got pictures, duh!

The monorail derailed in the oddest place. Right by the glass in a space
where nothing would snag it. We theorized people were trying to make it
derail or that some peeps ran by, because it THUMPED like nuts up there.

Yes, everytime we went away, boom! Weird.
We got lost in Howell during the town festival. how fun. TRAFFIC? anyone?

Yes, Scott's brilliance and cluminess comes through yet again! Like my
favorite saying goes, it takes REAL talent to be as clumsy as I am!

Nice summery Scott!


"Where the heck are those reinfocements!?"

"Ah, sir, I think the Fleet left them in Roseville!"

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  Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
(...) *KLUNK* (...) The service there did stink. Our Counter peep was doing the best he could with the manager lady biting his head off the whole time. (...) Confederation Soldiers? (...) might want to try making the Fuel storage tank more cirular (...) (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to

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