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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 1187
1186  |  1188
Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 01:10:24 GMT
1156 times
Eric & All,

Hey, all the creations on display look great, wow some of these buildings
and giant space ships ar very cool. I'd enjoy doing a display like this.

It was really fun, even with a few of the problems, such as an out of the
way place, not enough room, etc. But it was definately something that is
pretty new for the LUGNET community. I hope more groups can do it,
especially for space and castle fans. I think castle would have fit right
in, with the fantasy element as well.

More to come in the future I hope. Some of the creations there I don't think
I've seen before! I'm a Sci-Fi kinda guy! Did other people from the public
enjoy or relate to the creations you folks had?

The response was really positive, we had a blend of traditional town adn
Space, so people would recogize it. We added soime definite future stuff
too, such as a compressed wate rprocessing plant, fusion reacotr, hover
cars, etc. I think we can focus more on Sci-Fi stuff next time, i would love
to build a huge space port next time.

One time I displayed my
Robots at a Comicon Convention, I think the people we'nt used to seeing the
Artist standing next to his Creations. You'd figure the folks there would be
into that sort of thing, it was a mixed crowd.

Hmm, interesting.

Anyway, I've done exhibits
and shows for years, but I never showed my Robots with other Lego Builders.
You guys are lucky.

Maybe I could join in on a future show with a Sci-fi related theme?
We'll see.....any way congrats on your displays! Good job.

Thanks, and as we always say, the more the merrier! : )

Scott S.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
oh, cool....thanks.... Eric (...) (23 years ago, 26-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
Hey, all the creations on display look great, wow some of these buildings and giant space ships ar very cool. I'd enjoy doing a display like this. More to come in the future I hope. Some of the creations there I don't think I've seen before! I'm a (...) (23 years ago, 26-Jun-01, to

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