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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 1274
1273  |  1275
Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 21:13:02 GMT
1879 times
In, Peter Guenther writes:
Astro Lift man emerges!! Recovering still from Contraption? It sure took a
lot out of me. Hotel next time!  :)

Well, the Blacktron capital ship is no more.  About 1/3 to half of the
pieces have already become Ravenstone Keep, the centerpiece of my medieval
village.  Check it out at --no pictures
of the keep but the Inn is pretty cool.  This will go on display at the
church event and, if we have the space and think Castle is approp., future
SF conventions.

Peter those are pretty cool! They will look good at church event thing.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Contraption 2001 - MichLUG Space Colony Display a Sucess!
(...) Well, the Blacktron capital ship is no more. About 1/3 to half of the pieces have already become Ravenstone Keep, the centerpiece of my medieval village. Check it out at (URL) --no pictures of the keep but the Inn is pretty cool. This will go (...) (23 years ago, 28-Jun-01, to

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