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 Organizations / Canada / ParLUGment / 574
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Re: ParLUGment at Railfair 26, Ottawa, Canada
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.trains
Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:01:20 GMT
4596 times
Hi Tim, Kevin and everyone else!

The Lego display this weekend was awesome! I got so many great ideas from
viewing it. I'm seriously considering buying the ISD just so I can get the
transblue radar dishes to make fountains like in the park that was part of this
display. 8-)

I especially want to thank Kevin Dixon for taking the time to chat with me. I
wish I could've chatted with all of you.

Oh, and there's my picture in the AFOL folder, looking retarded, although I was
just yakking.

Hugs to all of you, Shirley.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: ParLUGment at Railfair 26, Ottawa, Canada
(...) Hi Shirley, We were glad you could come out and let us know you were in Ottawa. Sorry the picture didn't turn out great. Must have caught you in mid-sentence. We were talking and agreed that we should be posting more to LUGNET, rather than (...) (21 years ago, 21-Oct-03, to,, lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  ParLUGment at Railfair 26, Ottawa, Canada
ParLUGment just had our first showing here in Ottawa, and everybody loved it. The word "LEGO" was on the lips of both young and old at the Train Show. Everybody was coming back again and again. It was such a joy to see. The layout was the most (...) (21 years ago, 20-Oct-03, to, lugnet.announce,,,, lugnet.trains, ! 

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