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 Off-Topic / Debate / 27663
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Re: The Brick Testament's entirely unnacceptable intellectual dishonesty
Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:10:37 GMT
1716 times
Hey Brendan,

I appreciate the fact that you added the final two illustrations to the Canaanite woman story. I think that it was right to do so, as to leave those out seriously misrepresented the story. While your commentary on how everyone selects what to present is well taken, in many stories there are markers embedded within the narrative that set them apart, and to simply choose a random place to end your presentation isn’t the best policy. In that story, the scene definitely goes on until verse 29, which says that “Jesus left there and went along the Sea of Galilee,” leading to the next scene. I think your presentation of Acts 20 has the same problem, btw. You’re left with the story of Paul being such a boring speaker that the kid falls asleep and falls out the window to his death. But the story in Acts goes on another three verses with Paul healing the kid and doesn’t naturally end until Acts 20:13, where Luke writes that they then took a ship to another place.

I certainly agree that everyone should read the whole bible for themselves. Both religious and non-religious people often respond to caricatures based on incomplete readings.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Brick Testament's entirely unnacceptable intellectual dishonesty
Hi, Bruce. Thanks for the comments on this matter, too. I will probably redo the Acts story as part of my revamp of the New Testament part of the site, and will add the missing panels there as well. I think it's not just that it would be (...) (18 years ago, 7-Mar-06, to, FTX)

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  Re: The Brick Testament's entirely unnacceptable intellectual dishonesty
Hi, Steve. I've moved this over to off-topic.debate since that seemed more appropriate. (...) I am presenting the story of how Jesus insulted a Canaanite woman. I grant that this can also be seen as part of a larger story about how Jesus exorcised (...) (18 years ago, 4-Mar-06, to, FTX)

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