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Re: Peladofigphobia
Fri, 9 Dec 2005 21:50:12 GMT
2776 times
In lugnet.general, Felix Greco wrote:
  • Do you find the appearance of a minifig with no hat, hair, or helmet to be unsettling?
  • Do you find your minifigs to be incomplete without something covering that top stud?
  • When veiwing the creations of others, do you find the appearance of a minifig with an exposed stud on its head an indication of a poor builder?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you are a peladofigphobiac. You may wonder, what is a peladofigphobiac? Observe...

peladophobia- fear of bald people
fig- contraction of the term minifigure for the AFOL, a yummy treat to the muggles

peladofigphobia- fear (or loathing) of minifigs with an exposed stud on thier head.

My name is Felix Greco, and I’m a peladofigphobiac.

That is exactly why I like the belville figs more. At least they don’t have that silly stud on their heads..

.. Well, there are also some other reasons..

But indeed, a minifig without something on their heads is a poor show, and not very pleasant.

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Do you find the appearance of a minifig with no hat, hair, or helmet to be unsettling? Do you find your minifigs to be incomplete without something covering that top stud? When veiwing the creations of others, do you find the appearance of a (...) (18 years ago, 8-Dec-05, to lugnet.general, FTX) !! 

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