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Re: Peladofigphobia
Sun, 11 Dec 2005 21:03:58 GMT
3111 times
In lugnet.general, Felix Greco wrote:
   peladofigphobia- fear (or loathing) of minifigs with an exposed stud on thier head.

My name is Felix Greco, and I’m a peladofigphobiac.

I USED to be. When Spider-Man came out, I thought it was sort of, well, WRONG looking. But after drawing all the AFOLs comic, and having a main character “bald,” it all seems normal to me. Spider-Man is fine, Mace Windu is fine, the soccer player with the headband is fine... I’ve even made custon Star Wars cantina aliens that seem quite normal to me now. There are two characters from the upcoming Batman line that are “bald” that I had to draw comics for, and they didn’t make me flinch (from the upcoming ‘Batman vs. Male Pattern Baldness’ set).

So I guess the cure for peladofigphobia is to draw comics with hatless mini-figs!


p.s. However, I still find the figures with hair PRINTED on their face a little strange.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Peladofigphobia
(...) GASP!! I had a feeling they'd do a set of that!! -Lenny (18 years ago, 11-Dec-05, to lugnet.general, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
Do you find the appearance of a minifig with no hat, hair, or helmet to be unsettling? Do you find your minifigs to be incomplete without something covering that top stud? When veiwing the creations of others, do you find the appearance of a (...) (18 years ago, 8-Dec-05, to lugnet.general, FTX) !! 

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