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 General / 52147
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Re: Peladofigphobia
Fri, 9 Dec 2005 09:11:38 GMT
3128 times
In lugnet.general, Christopher Masi wrote:
Eek, but then you can see {inside} his head to where his brains should
be! While bald solid-studded minifig heads are bad enough, those poor
souls who lost their brains through the holes in the tops of their heads
are pitiable.


No, you are absolutely right .. What was I thinking..
figs without their head studs covered are indecent. Thanks for setting me
straight :)

James Stacey

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Peladofigphobia
(...) Eek, but then you can see {inside} his head to where his brains should be! While bald solid-studded minifig heads are bad enough, those poor souls who lost their brains through the holes in the tops of their heads are pitiable. Chris (...) (18 years ago, 8-Dec-05, to lugnet.general)

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