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Re: Ageing Lego Bricks
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 14:36:02 GMT
1342 times
I've heard about people putting bricks in a solution of bleach for over a
week to get rid of the "yellowing" of the white bricks.

If anyone has details on this process, I'd like to hear them.

I don't know about the problems with them not fitting properly.


Guido Heunen <> wrote in message

Recently I looked into boxes containing some older lego bricks • (1970-1985), and
I was very unhappy when I tried to build something. What happend is that • these
bricks don't fit anymore easily. I had to force them to be connected. To
deconnect them I had to put (of course) a lot of force on them.

An other problem is that all the white bricks (for sure the older ones) • change
colour. Although I keep them in a dark container. For this reason I don't • want
to construct my "white" models
(such as the hospital (town) and space shuttle (technic))
because the sunlight (and maybe normal light) makes this problem even • worse.

Did someone have the same experience and what can I do.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ageing Lego Bricks
(...) I combined one part bleech to 3 parts water or less in a container and add the yellowing LEOGS. I did this for my white brick and it seems to help, I started the process about 1 week ago. A few bricks that were severly discolored are still a (...) (23 years ago, 16-Mar-01, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Ageing Lego Bricks
Hi Recently I looked into boxes containing some older lego bricks (1970-1985), and I was very unhappy when I tried to build something. What happend is that these bricks don't fit anymore easily. I had to force them to be connected. To deconnect them (...) (23 years ago, 16-Mar-01, to lugnet.general)

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