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Re: Transcript of Keynote
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 23:29:06 GMT
1923 times

  Yup.  I signed books.  It was kinda neat.  I also made a lot of new friends,
and got a whole new list of "improvements" to make to LPub and LSynth.

  BricksWest was great!  I now have faces for the names I know so well from


In, Ahui Herrera writes:
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Alfred Speredelozzi writes:

Tim Courtney announced preorders for Virtual Lego, the book he and Ahui are
authoring. Syngress is also offering 25% off their texts.

Isn't Syngress the evil publisher of the competing clone copy of Courtney's

I went to the site hoping to find a discounted version of Virtual Lego.
(Always looking for a bargain on something I know I am going to buy.)  But I
found "Lego Power Tools" instead. :(

Sorry for confusion. the Virtual Lego(r) book (which has a separate
announcemenet, it's currently the top story on LUGNET(tm) is by No Starch

the Power Tools book is by Syngress(tm).

Note that the 25% off on the books was by both publishers and as far as I
can tell (I was at BW03).  The 25% off was for books SOLD during the event
only.  No Starch was taking pre-order for the LDraw Book (with FREE
shipping) and Syngress had Kevin's book for 25% off (no shipping since you
got the book).

I do believe that Kevin even sign some for those who bought and asked.
Hope that helps.

still owe a corrected version of the transcript. Hopefully will have time to
do it on the plane today. (talking with other festers takes precedence)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Transcript of Keynote
(...) Note that the 25% off on the books was by both publishers and as far as I can tell (I was at BW03). The 25% off was for books SOLD during the event only. No Starch was taking pre-order for the LDraw Book (with FREE shipping) and Syngress had (...) (21 years ago, 19-Feb-03, to

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