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 Castle / 6872
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lego factions and series
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:42:36 GMT
1127 times
of the 3 lion crest series witch is best to you i like the crusaders they
were the most original and had the best sets also many of you think the
black knights were bad guys they are whatever you want them to be but they
were good guys i have it in a catalog somewhere it says they and the
wolfpack have to stop the evil dragon master guys or something like thatfrom
pictures the falcons seem to be good as they were with the black knights a lot
the crusaders are good
falcons good
black knights good
wolf pack in between
dragon masters bad
fright knights bad and a very unworthy series
dark forest bad
forest men bad (these 2 are robbers and bandits so that makes them unlawful
so they are bad in a sense)
bulls bad
royal dudes good
the new guys are good
but their castle kinda sucks it is all towers and stuff it seems empty and
unlike other big castles it has 524 pieces while others had over 600

ps i am good at making run on sentences
+ i never use punctuation LOL actually i do but not now

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: lego factions and series
(...) Everyone pretty much decides what side they want to be good or bad. (...) Opportunistic. (...) Good. (...) Obscure balance of Knightly and Greedy. (...) Amoral. (...) Well, there's good, there's bad, and then there's ugly. (...) I dunno, I (...) (23 years ago, 27-Nov-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: lego factions and series
My first Castle set was <set:6059 Knight's Stronghold>. It had three Black Knights, and since they were the defending the fortress, I thought they were the good guys. It also had two Black Falcons, but for years I thought that they were Crusaders, (...) (23 years ago, 28-Nov-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: lego factions and series
(...) Good and bad only applies when I am not switching parts around on my creations. Townsfolk are mostly neutral depending on who yanks their chains. For the "stock" sets and official stuff, I'd have to go like this (with liberal storylines added (...) (23 years ago, 29-Nov-00, to lugnet.castle)

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