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Re: Completed Midieval Village
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 03:36:56 GMT
997 times
In lugnet.castle, Frank Filz writes:
In lugnet.castle, David Eaton writes:
Well, I finally finished and photographed my huge midieval village layout • this
weekend you can see the results at:


Do you have detail pictures somewhere of the ducks and sheep? Especially from
a distance, those sheep look perfect.

I don't think I have any up-close pictures of my sheep-- as said I stole the
basic idea from Suz (can't locate Suz's pics at present...) but I can post
some of my sheep... umm... probably Wednesday (I'm taking a class tomorrow so
I'll be away from the internet all day! Heaven defend!)... Meanwhile:

1 1x2 black 45 degree slope apex (not gable end... 1/2 pyramid) (the face)
2 1x1 white bricks w/ side stud (the head)
1 2x2 white plate (the body)
1 2x2 white brick (the top of the body)
1 1x2 white plate (the belly)
1 1x2 white technic beam with single hole (the back of the body)
1 1x1 white round plate (the puffy tail)
4 1x1 black round bricks (the legs)

(makes for a 2x3 sheep-- also made a few 2x4 for some size variation)

Chickens: (they do look like ducks, don't they?)
2 1x1 yellow plates w/ side clip (feet & beak)
2 1x1 white round plates (legs and tail)
1 1x3 white plate (the body)
1 1x1 red round plate (for a rooster's head)

(Hmmm... I forget offhand)

A few comments on your comments on the page:

- you mention that you wish you could have made it larger so the houses would
be less cramped: a medieval village would be pretty cramped, don't want to
waste valuable cropland.

Probably true-- I just wanted to get more of a slow fade effect: In the middle
of town there's more cramped buildings, but as you get further out, they become
less cramped... but as is it's almost the opposite, which I didn't like-- the
streets make for lots of empty space, but the houses on the outer rim of the
town are a bit close together... Guess I'll just have to say that there really
are some more sparse houses a little further out that you can't see :)

- you mention you wish you had more trees and such: if it's later medieval
Britain (strongly suggested by all the half-timbered construction), there
aren't many trees left (which is one of the reasons for the half-timbered

Again, very true... and again, it's more of just my general desire for looks
rather than historical accuracy... maybe I should just say I was going for
accuracy instead :)

- on the swimmer's clothes: one could use "stiffy" parts, they at least just
have normal studs instead of longer pegs.

Hadn't thought of that-- but now I just need some of the parts! (my oldest set
(apart from those that pre-date minifigs completely) is a 1980 set with the
fully mobile 'figs...) Heh, maybe I could just strategically lay out some tiles
on the shore :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Completed Midieval Village
(...) a distance, those sheep look perfect. A few comments on your comments on the page: - you mention that you wish you could have made it larger so the houses would be less cramped: a medieval village would be pretty cramped, don't want to waste (...) (24 years ago, 12-Sep-00, to lugnet.castle)

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