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 Castle / 2935
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Re: Different kind of castle
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 01:25:05 GMT
1399 times
In lugnet.castle, John Robert Blaze Kanehl writes:
I am a fan of the Osaka castle I saw in a travel magazine ....I would love
to know of any historical links that have pictures of the castle you modeld
or of others.....

As for links I found the best way to get to the links is go to the
search engine then search for "japanese castles"
And pay attention to the links which end in .jp.  Those are the best.
Lots of pics from pro and amateur photographers from Japan of castles.

My fortess has 4 levels....I didn't know it was a 3 or 5
scale...oops...gotta change that.

Not a commonly known fact. But an even number of tiers is considered bad
luck hence all central donjons (towers) are 3 or 5 tiers.

I have torn mine apart dozens of times trying to make a modular design....I
got caught up trying to design an interior...I finally have a tatame sliding
door design that I am happy with using plates and 1x2x1 thin wall
sections....the halls are narrow...but I am working on that...Trying to
maintain symmetry is a challenge... I have switched to a combination of
slopes and plates mounted on hinges to add texture to the roof on all 4
sides.  The other problem I have is integrating stairs to acess each level.

Looks like you have a better handle on the "interiors" than I do.
BTW, the outside of a donjon might be 3 tiers but the inside might have
4 levels.  It is not a one tier/one level situation.

I am so happy that I am no longer alone in the "ninja" theme...

I too am glad to know of you and Michael Hopkins of the superfortress

If you want to share your pics before the official post, I would love
to see them.  Just email me direct and we can compare notes.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Different kind of castle
(...) Finally another Ninja theme MOC.....I have been working on mine for a year....I am ver I am a fan of the Osaka castle I saw in a travel magazine ....I would love to know of any historical links that have pictures of the castle (...) (24 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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