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 Castle / 18460
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Interesting question...
lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.trains, lugnet.castle, lugnet.cad
Tue, 11 Nov 2003 01:18:18 GMT
361 times
Now that we are seing more "custom" parts being made (for example the
Starwars weapons, the Castle accessories and the Train wheels), it raises
an important question...
are these "Lego"?

For example, if I use them, am I no-longer a purist?
Does using them constitute use of a "clone brand"?
What about LDRAW, what if someone wants to create a LDRAW part file for
these parts (the train driver in particular), will the LDRAW people accept
it? (I can forsee people using the train driver in MOCs then wanting to CAD
and render and make instructions of and etc the MOC)
And what about someone wanting to use the parts in a kit and then selling
the kit? Does the use of the part mean that its no longer LEGO?
And what about someone wanting to sell these parts on Bricklink or
whatever? (perhaps they have bought some wheels in one color and then
realized that they need a different color)

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: Interesting question...
(...) Hello Jonathan, If I may be so bold as to attempt to answer some of your questions... (...) Technically, the custom parts are not Lego so far as they are not made by The Lego Group A purist uses 100% Lego in their MOC's...with no exceptions (...) (20 years ago, 11-Nov-03, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Interesting question...
Hello! (...) No, they are not. Anything that's not coming under the licence of TLC - not produced by TLC, not packed by TLC (if made anywhere else like motors) and not "monogrammed" with the LEGO logo - is not LEGO. Why should it be considered a (...) (20 years ago, 11-Nov-03, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Interesting question...
(...) Quick answer, no. (...) By definition, you're not using 'pure ' parts. (this sounds like an argument about origami - a purist uses one square of paper to make what he wants. Anything else is 'unpure.' How do I know? I do origami, and I am (...) (20 years ago, 12-Nov-03, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Interesting question...
(...) I remember a thread about user defined model-folders in mlcad: IMHO there should also be a folder for custom parts and not-yet-certified parts(parts-I-curren...y-author). As long as they are clearly marked I can't see a reason why we shouldn't (...) (20 years ago, 12-Nov-03, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Interesting question...
Hi all, My two cents: This has come up before in several forms. Here are two recent ones. (URL) it comes to building, I'm a purist: not Lego = no way. But when it comes to Ldraw, I do a 180 on that. I can understand why is currently 100% (...) (20 years ago, 12-Nov-03, to lugnet.general)

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