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 Castle / 1563
1562  |  1564
Re: Accessories from other themes...
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 16:20:20 GMT
836 times
In lugnet.castle, Frank Filz writes:

The adventurers hat would also work as an alternative hat. The airman's cap
might work as a leather helmet.

Of course the adventurers backpack for a dungeon explorer, complete with
lance (10' pole) and a pick or other tool...

The pharaoh's headdress of course would work well, as would the mummy.

The Indian hair would make for a nice foreign princess.

The Indian heads would work nice for barbarians. Some of the Indian torsos
might work (most notably the brown one with the bone armor). The buffalo
hats might work.

The black wild west neckerchiefs of course would add a touch of mystery to
your outlaws, while a knight could have a white one hanging from his lance,
or worn (favor from his lady of course).

All the various treasures of course are fair game. I also save all the
sprues for additional treasure (the sprue for the coins is especially


The Armada chromed breastplate works well, and the morion helmet isn't that far
off to be drafted into use, also.  I use the coin sprue as ingots of gold.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Accessories from other themes...
The adventurers hat would also work as an alternative hat. The airman's cap might work as a leather helmet. Of course the adventurers backpack for a dungeon explorer, complete with lance (10' pole) and a pick or other tool... The pharaoh's (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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