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 Castle / 1543
1542  |  1544
Re: Accessories from other themes...
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 23:58:19 GMT
404 times
I personally have an army of forest elves and I don't use the regular castle
swords for them.  I use the pirate's cutlasses, just because they look better
in the hands of an elf than in the hands of a charging armored knight.  I'm
also using the trans-blue spears located in one of the new Technic sets as a
magical weapon for the river elves leader, and I use a whole slew of other non-
castle pieces to build other things.  I use the ninja wings on my wyverns.

Message is in Reply To:
  Accessories from other themes...
I've been inspired, recently, by many original creations to experiment with mixing parts from other themes to create unique characters and/or armies. I'm hoping to get some feedback about the appropriateness (is that a word?!) of using the following (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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