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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 3044
3043  |  3045
Re: How would you do it?
Fri, 3 Jun 2011 20:48:24 GMT
20079 times
In lugnet.cad.ray, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
A long time ago, Jeroen kindly rendered this image for me in POVRay

But the source got lost. Now I need it much much larger so I'm trying to
recreate it. I am all the way there (all models positioned right, etc) except
for the lighting/shadows. Which may well be the hardest part!

Am I even on the right track there?

Thanks for any suggestions.

To take a stab at it:
* The light is very high. You'll have to tweak its angle.
* If you use an area_light you'll probably get the soft shadow edges
* Reflection is turned off or very low
* The ground has a fairly high ambience, probably about amb=0.8 dif=0.2
* There is a sky sphere
* The camera angle is small

Convert in LDview for better colours.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How would you do it?
(...) Thanks for the tips... I used LDView to conver, and got a render that's much closer to the original. However I've got one niggling difference that's bugging me. The transparent colors seem "lighter" somehow, meaning that the interiors of (...) (13 years ago, 5-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  How would you do it?
A long time ago, Jeroen kindly rendered this image for me in POVRay (URL) the source got lost. Now I need it much much larger so I'm trying to recreate it. I am all the way there (all models positioned right, etc) except for the lighting/shadows. (...) (13 years ago, 2-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)  

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