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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 3036
3035  |  3037
Re: How would you do it?
Thu, 2 Jun 2011 19:22:03 GMT
18990 times
In lugnet.cad.ray, Scott Wardlaw wrote:
It looks to me like each model / row of models was rendered in POV-Ray
individually and then PhotoShopped together.  Probably removed any reflections
when combined on to one image.


I'm 99++% certain that's not the case, given the input data Jeroen was able to
recover for me. I think removing reflections would be a lot of work, better to
change the properties of the surface to get them not to happen.

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  Re: How would you do it?
It looks to me like each model / row of models was rendered in POV-Ray individually and then PhotoShopped together. Probably removed any reflections when combined on to one image. Scott (13 years ago, 2-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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