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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 3038
3037  |  3039
Re: How would you do it?
Thu, 2 Jun 2011 19:35:51 GMT
19059 times
In lugnet.cad.ray, Kevin L. Clague wrote:

  I'm not much of a POV expert, but it looks to me like Jeroen used a single
light source (I only see one shadow per model).  I'd guess the light
source is  very far away (to simulate sunlight) because all the shadows
cast proportionate lengths.

I am considering using parallel instead of a light source that's very far

I don't think Jeroen used "parallel" for his source(s) because the shadow angles
are steeper in the foreground. (this will be less pronounced with light sources
farther away but to completely eliminate it you'd have to use parallel

Since the camera is orthographic it sort of does make sense to use parallel

  To soften the shadows I'd think you would want to increase ambient and
diminish diffuse.  The affect of diffuse depends on the angle of the light
hitting the surface, ambient is not.  If you have control over ambient light
color I'd guess you want it white.

I think the ambient light color is the color of the surface, which in this case
is white already. I am confused about what diffuse does, I guess... I thought it
was a way to kill reflections (and reflection 0 is another)... with just a
default surface I was getting a lot of reflections of the image elements which I
don't want. (one model reflecting off another is fine but I want the background
to be completely matte)

  I'd practice on the lighting/background on a small model until you get what
you want but you're very smart, so you probably are already doing that.  It
might also be faster to render each model separately, and then composite them
together into your final image.

I don't think I want to composite, it seems likely to be error prone. As well as
a lot of work :)

For my tests, to improve speed, I am using most of the model removed but enough
remains that I can check things like shadow angles and lighting amounts. It
renders fast enough for me I guess. (Facebooking in another window passes the

Once I get the final settings right I am going to render it on a machine I can
just leave running all week while I'm away.

Note: ultimately I would actually like my shadows to be slightly fuzzy, not
sharp edged, so I am guessing maybe I should be using an area light placed a
very long way away. And I guess to get the shadows to be light I should place
some low intensity shadowless lights at other positions?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How would you do it?
(...) If I understand it correctly, 'ambient' is what you see if all lights are off. I usually turn this down very low (zero). 'Diffuse' is reflected light from other surfaces, you'd want quite a lot of that. (...) Yes, I think the default (...) (13 years ago, 2-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How would you do it?
(...) Hi Larry, I'm not much of a POV expert, but it looks to me like Jeroen used a single light source (I only see one shadow per model). I'd guess the light source is very far away (to simulate sunlight) because all the shadows cast proportionate (...) (13 years ago, 2-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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