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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 2327
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Re: Problem creating .pov using LGEO parts in L3PAdd-on
Thu, 28 Oct 2004 09:53:33 GMT
5590 times
The wrongly positioned parts can be seen in these two images

Non-LGEO version, in correct position
LGEO version, parts moved down

Yeah, that part (6187.DAT) has a weird origin, IMO.  But, the cause of
the problem is that LGEO doesn't use the same origin - at least with the
libraries I have installed.  So, to fix it, add the following directive at
lines 159 and 308 of the LGEO file

  translate <0, 0, -2*LG_BRICK_WIDTH>

I suspected something along those lines, but I wouldn't have had any idea how to
fix it, so thanks, I wil try it tonight

The error when rendering the .pov file in POVRay 3.5 can be seen
the same file renders without error messages (but with the error above) in 3.1

I had a similar problem when upgrading to version 3.5 of POV-Ray.  Try
modifying the file by bracketing the #include of
with #version directives:

#version 3.5
#include ""
#version 3.0

There's probably a better solution than this, but this worked for me...  :-)

Ahui sent me a link to the relevant help page on




Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Problem creating .pov using LGEO parts in L3PAdd-on
I have tried this and also the fix on the ldraw page. LGEO files still don't work any suggestions? I don't get the error message. The pov just renders the standard method. Thanks for the help (...) (19 years ago, 15-Nov-04, to lugnet.cad.ray)
  Re: Problem creating .pov using LGEO parts in L3PAdd-on
(...) Ldraw's trans green still stinks, but lgeo helped a bit... Cheers NB (19 years ago, 21-Nov-04, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Problem creating .pov using LGEO parts in L3PAdd-on
(...) the problem is that LGEO doesn't use the same origin - at least with the libraries I have installed. So, to fix it, add the following directive at lines 159 and 308 of the LGEO file translate <0, 0, -2*LG_BRICK_WIDTH> (...) I had (...) (20 years ago, 28-Oct-04, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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