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open source ldd?
Tue, 15 May 2007 18:47:51 GMT
22375 times

what programming language is used for ldd? Is it allowed, possible or even
welcome that users can develop addons?

Thanks for your replies....

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: open source ldd?
(...) I've not heard anything suggesting that addons are possible and I have my doubts that LEGO will be inclined to open its source (or if they even legally can since I believe it uses thrid-party libraries). Tim (17 years ago, 15-May-07, to lugnet.cad.ldd)
  Re: open source ldd?
(...) I don't know either, but based on what happened before and after the original release of LDD 1.0, I'm going to have to say that I'd find it to be unlikely. Prior to LDD 1.0 being released, someone from Lego contacted a number of LDraw tool (...) (17 years ago, 15-May-07, to lugnet.cad.ldd)
  Re: open source ldd?
(...) When their site comes back online (currently experiancing Database errors when I try to acess the page for the toolkit and information), it would be Qube Software's Qube developer kit. Basiclly a complete all in one Open GL graphics engine (...) (17 years ago, 20-May-07, to lugnet.cad.ldd, FTX)

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