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Re: LDD to LDRAW Conversion Fixes
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 19:13:16 GMT
22681 times
In lugnet.cad.ldd, Jason J. Railton wrote:
I've been tinkering with the "ldraw.xml" file in LEGO Digital Designer (LDD),
and have come up with the following list of fixes for good LDD/LDRAW conversion.

Hey Jason,

If this really works, and I believe you if you say so, would you mind
posting your ldraw.xml file?

It would save people time to retype (and perhaps mistype) your adjustments.



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDD to LDRAW Conversion Fixes
(...) I wasn't sure of the copyright position; the original file is LEGO's property, even if it is freely distributed. That's why I only posted the ammendments. It'd be best if you copy and paste the lines of XML from my message into a copy of your (...) (18 years ago, 28-Jun-06, to lugnet.cad.ldd)

Message is in Reply To:
  LDD to LDRAW Conversion Fixes
I've been tinkering with the "ldraw.xml" file in LEGO Digital Designer (LDD), and have come up with the following list of fixes for good LDD/LDRAW conversion. In case you hadn't already discovered, if you append ".ldr" to the end of the file name (...) (18 years ago, 28-Jun-06, to lugnet.cad.ldd,, lugnet.trains,, !! 

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